Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because You say so, I will let down the nets.” Luke 5:5 NIV
Because You say so. These four words show an obedient heart in the making. The odds might be stacked against you and nothing may make sense, but if the Lord has called you to follow - you must.
Lord, I don’t want to move – but because You say so, I will go.
Lord, I can’t rejoice in my circumstances – but because You say so, I will.
Lord, I haven’t caught any fish – but because You say so, I’ll try one more time.
Lord, I’m frustrated today – but because You say so, I will continue on.
Lord, this is not my plan - but because You say so, I'll follow your plan.
If you’re experiencing similar situations, remember – because He says so – He loves you, forgives you, leads you, and dwells within you.

I just knew there was a reason you've been on my mind this morning!! YOu have no idea how much I needed to hear that;)
He always uses the times that are the hardest to push us all up more in him and to use us for His honor and glory. All we have to do is MOVE!!!
Love this! Thanks.
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