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Monday, September 27, 2010

A Challenge to Move Forward

“Obey me, and I will be your God, and you will be my people. Do everything as I say, and all will be well!” Jeremiah 7:23 NLT

I would like to invite you to a weekend of worship and inspirational messages this upcoming weekend at the Living the Life Women’s Conference. I will be speaking Saturday afternoon on leaving a Radical Legacy. The best news is that Thelma Wells is the guest speaker and I can not wait to hear what God is preparing her to bring. Please come join us. Tickets can still be purchased at the door.

Can you remember the last time you read your Bible and you knew God was calling you to a new way of living? I had such an encounter this weekend. I made a commitment. Yes, Lord I’m going to obey You! I will follow You and Your words of direction. I will do what You say.

Now as I return to my “normal” routine and schedule – I have to admit it is hard to keep that commitment . . . and it's just Monday morning. Yikes! Breaking old habits and setting new routines stretches me out of my comfort zone. Verse 24 of Jeremiah 7 says, “But my people would not listen to me. They kept doing whatever they wanted, following the stubborn desires of their evil hearts. They went back instead of forward.”

Can you say are you listening? Are you following? Are you stretching to move forward? Are you obeying the call when God nudges you?

Lord, let us be diligent in obeying Your still small voice when we hear it. Give us Your boldness and courage to follow through. Give us the vision to more forward, putting the past behind us. Amen.

Do you long to know your purpose so that you can move on? If you struggle with seeing your unique purpose, please join me beginning October 7th, 8-9pm Central time for an online Bible study called SAVOUR. You can find more information here. Cost for the online class is $10, and this includes the electronic devotional book that accompanies the lessons.